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Outline of day

As of June 24, 2015

The 21th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

Date Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Time 10:00 am to 10:54 am (Japan time)
Place Shin Yokohama Kokusai Hotel
Manor House South Building 3th floor "Chester House"
Number of shareholders
exercising their voting right
744 (Among them, 54 shareholders participated in the meeting.)

Report and resolutions

Matters reported

  1. 1. Business Report, Consolidated and Non-consolidated Financial Statements for the 21th fiscal year (from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015)
  2. 2. Consolidated Financial Statement Audit Reports by the Accounting Auditor and Board of Corporate Auditors PC DEPOT reported about the aforementioned businesses, financials, consolidated financials, and the audit results of consolidated financials.

Matters resolved

Proposal No.1:
Partial amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
The draft proposal was approved as is.
Proposal No.2:
Election of 11 Directors
Takahisa Nojima, Mitsuyoshi Hae, Hideki Saitoh, Takayuki Shimano, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Hidehiro Takayama*, Hideaki Izawa*, Atsuomi Obayashi*, and Kazuya Shinozaki, Yuko Matsuo, Tsukasa Yamaguchi (newly appointed) were elected and appointed.
(* represents an outside director specified in Article 2, Section 15 of the Companies Act.)
Proposal No.3:
Election of two (2) Corporate Auditors
Eizo Akashi and Masaki Nishimura (newly appointed) were elected and appointed.
(* represents an outside auditor specified in Article 2, Section 16 of the Companies Act.)
Proposal No.4:
Revision to the amount of remuneration for Directors
The draft proposal was approved as is.
Outline of day Please visit here

Notice of Convocation of the 21th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting (109KB)

Investor's Guide (1,493KB)

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